
Mater Christi's Constitutional Convention

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25 June 2018

Students from , Belgrave, hosted their annual Constitutional Convention last week with students attending from Kingswood College, St Francis Xavier College, Sacred Heart Girls' College and Leongatha Secondary College.

Seventy Year 10 and 11 students were challenged to adopt varied positions and debate the contentious topic: ‘Freedom of speech versus hate speech. Where should the legal and social line be drawn?’

Guest speaker Julian McMahon AC SC spoke with the students about the issues from his perspective and explored the long-term impacts of our comments and our treatment of others. He encouraged an empathetic approach. ‘It’s about walking in someone’s shoes,’ he said.

Chioma Anyadoro from Mater Christi summed up the day, ‘I learnt how freedom of speech sits within the constitution and how it affects people daily. I also learnt about the issues around balancing the basic human right of freedom of speech against hate speech.’

The students also experienced convention procedures and appreciated the opportunity to work with peers from other schools.

‘I learnt more about Australian and International Law as well as debating. I really enjoyed working with the other students who share a passion for law and the ways of parliament,’ said Chelsea Carlyon.

Mater Christi College has hosted a regional student seminar for many years. The event is organised by Year 11 Leaders and reflects the College goal to encourage active participation in the community.

Principal Mary Fitz-Gerald said, ‘As a contemporary Catholic secondary school we want to inspire girls to be informed, compassionate and creative learners, leaders and advocates. Initiatives like this demonstrate the genuine capabilities and commitment of students.’

The event continues to grow, providing a forum for young people to voice their views.

‘It is affirming to see so many young people from across the region come together to build their understanding of important issues for society,’ said Ms Fitz-Gerald.